Sunday, October 23, 2011

Miaya....the Dancer?

We always wonder what our children will be when they grow up.. A doctor maybe...a teacher maybe (No way to that one!) Anyway Miaya stretched her wings today ....well actually her feet...and had her first Family Night Dance Recital. She's only had a month of dance classes , but we see a definite improvement...mostly in attitude! She loves her teacher Miss Adonica and will do anything for her. Hhhhmmmm maybe I can rent her out when I'm trying to get her to go to bed! Anyway here it is!

Monday, October 10, 2011

Just too cute

I love this picture....and the two who are in it! What a daddy's girl....just like her mama!

Grandparents Day

Miaya has been enrolled in the Preschool here at Prescott. They have wonderful activities including grandparents day. Dad was under the weather, so he wasn't able to attend, but grandma came! Miaya still talks about how she got to go home with grandma that day. She loves to recite their Grandparents poem to them all the time.                        

 Here are grandma's glasses
And here is Grandma's hat,
Here's the way she folds her hands
Just like that.
Here are Grandpa's glasses,
Here is Grandpa's hat,
Here's the way he folds his arms
Just like that.

Grandma's Birthday

Okay we have cake...check! We have candles....check! We have flames......check! Sing with all our hearts....check (good job Ciara and Miaya) 
 Happy Birthday Mom!