Sunday, January 29, 2012

How many shots does it take?

Late I know but this was the cousins that were at the Thanksgiving dinner I hosted. Between a 4 year old and a dog Petey who wanted be petted so badly....I took 10 pictures...but I love chaos it's so kids!
Sure missed the Fincks in the pic...but we take them when we can... If I can get the Christmas post ready you can see the whole gang!

Working Up to It

Well we are working up to cutting Miaya's hair for "Locks Of Love" We had it trimmed lately so it was alittle easier to manage. Actually only about 1/4"  was cut and a little on the sides. She hasn't had a hair cut except for bangs since she came home to Iowa. That's been since 2008! Many people ask why? Well one is that I don't want it real short when they cut if for "Locks of Love". Another is that we want to enter her into the Longest Pigtale contest at the Iowa State Fair this summer. I think by then she as well as mommy and daddy should be ready by then. It's a little traumatizing for all of us right now. I think my sadness comes from the fact that it's part of her history and her ties to China. But a little one is going to be turning 5 real soon! I want her to be responsible for the care of her hair, so since it right now I have to brush it. (She has to stand on a chair for me to get a full brush swath through it... At school I try my best to keep it up in piggy tales and pony class is a little frustrating since they do some tumbling and she says she can't do her summersaults because she has a "stopper" on her head as she calls it.
 Anticipation and anxiousness is evident here...just look at the face!
 Not liking this mom!
 The consultation was basically trying to get her into the chair...but she was a big girl and did it!

 Dawn (hairdresser) had to get on the ground level to get to the ends of her hair
She kind of looks like Cousin It from the Addams I have this year's Halloween costume!

We knew we would always do Locks of Love, but this year it has hit home more for us as our niece Jennifer Fourez is battling HLH which essentially has left her with chemo treatments and the loss of her beautiful hair.. But you know I've learned that yes losing your hair has to be very traumatic, but beauty is so much on how you see the world and love ones around you. At 18 Jennifer has triumphed this and realizes that so many know she is beautiful! Hair isn't everything...but if it makes you feel better ...then there's Locks of Love! Too bad she was a blonde...Miaya could of visited her hair if she wanted black...hee hee! Either way someone will be able to have a little comfort going through such a traumatic event. I'm sure it will give us a little comfort when we cut her hair this summer!

Singing Up a Storm

I know I know I haven't been updating very well.  A four year old has kind of gotten me on the run. Anyway without any further adue. Here is Miaya's Christmas program. She's wearing her Christmas dress from Daddy. She is growing way to fast for Mommy. We always wondered how she would do on stage. As a teacher I've seen out and out crying fits to ooops should of gone potty before times on this stage. She did wonderfully. She sang. She knew all the words and the terrified look she had on when she did her little dance was even gone. So proud of her!

Monday, January 02, 2012

Miaya's New Camera

Miaya got a new camera for Christmas, and has become quite a shutterbug!

In her own words:
Here's my eyes.

Miaya's playground
Miaya's pond.

Miaya's big Trees.

Daddy took my picture.


I like McDonalds!

Daddy's big Tractor.

Miaya's Casey's -- I get doughnuts and gas here!

Miaya's feet.

Sunset at Daddy's workplace.

Miaya's dog.

Miaya's two cats.


Poppy cat.